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Link Wentworth Accessibility Statement

Link Wentworth is committed to equality for all regardless of their social background or abilities. We have developed this website so that it is accessible to the widest possible audience. The website endeavours to conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities and conforming to them will help make the web more user friendly for all people.

We always aim to communicate clearly, and as simply as possible, however, some of the articles may require a reasonable level of technical understanding due to the technical nature of what they are about.

This site has been built using valid code that complies with the standards for HTML and CSS. It should work effectively with current browsers and assistive technologies such as screen readers. This creates a fast loading website that is accessible to screen readers and is usable in most browsers, including older browsers and browsers available on non-Windows systems.

However, if you have any problems using the site or notice any accessibility concerns, please let us know. Visit our  page for contact options.

All constructive feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of this website is welcome and will be carefully considered.

You may find our Accessibility drop down menu at the top of the website (in the header) helpful. It includes options to change the foreground and background colour, increase the size of the text on the website and change the language.

The website also provides a faster browsing experience for those using mobile devices or on slow connections. The site can be read whatever size and type of screen you use.

All images have ALT tags. Where appropriate, ALT tags provide screen reader users and those with images turned off with a description of the content of the picture.

This statement was last updated on 28 May 2021.